The Art of Public Speaking Dale Carnagey 60

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The Art of Public Speaking PARKER, THEODORE, 257−258. PATCH, DAN, 2. PAUL, 2, 107. Pause, 55−64. Personality, 355−360. Persuasion, 295−307. PHILLIPS, ARTHUR EDWARD, 227, 229. PHILLIPS, CHARLES, 302−305. PHILLIPS, WENDELL, 25−26; 34−35; 38, 72, 97, 99−100. Pitch, change of, 27−35; low, 32, 69. PITTENGER, WILLIAM, I, 66. Platitudes, 376, 377. POPE, ALEXANDER, 122, 175, 231. Posture, 165. Practise, Necessity for, 2, 14, 118. Precision of utterance, 146−152. Preparation, 4−5; 179, 184−215; 362−365. PREYER, WILHELM T., 188. Proportion, 205. PUTNAM, DANIEL, 80. Q QUINTILIAN, 344. R Reading, 191−197. REDWAY, 170. "1_2_4">APPENDIX D. SPEECHES FOR STUDY AND PRACTISE 294 The Art of Public Speaking Reference to Experience, 226. Repetition in memorizing, 348. Reserve power, 184−197. Right thinking, 355−360. ROBESPIERRE, 153−155. ROGERS, SAMUEL, 343. ROOSEVELT, THEODORE, 275, 416−422. RUSKIN, JOHN, 89, 90, 188. S SAINTSBURY, GEORGE, 55. SAVONAROLA, 158, 161. SCALIGER, 343. SCHAEFER, NATHAN C., 262, 355. SCHEPPEGRELL, WILLIAM, 27. SCHILLER, J.C.F., 117. SCOTT, WALTER DILL, 8. SCOTT, SIR WALTER, 271. Self−confidence, See Confidence. Self−consciousness, 1−8. SEWARD, W.H., 65−68. SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM, 22, 32, 82, 88−89; 122, 152−153; 161, 164, 227, 295, 302, 312−317; 321. SHEPPARD, NATHAN, 147, 156, 170. SIDDONS, MRS., 48, 70. SIDNEY, SIR PHILIP, 188. Sincerity, 109. SMITH, F. HOPKINSON, 365. "1_2_4">APPENDIX D. SPEECHES FOR STUDY AND PRACTISE 295 The Art of Public Speaking SPENCER, HERBERT, 58, 69. Stage fright, 1−8. STEVENSON, R.L., 122, 196, 201, 238, 242−243; 335−336. STORY, JOSEPH, 298. Subject, Choosing a, 201−204. Subjects for speeches and debates, 121−123; 379−393. Suggestion, 262−278; 308−320. SUNDAY, "BILLY," 90, 158. Suspense, 59−61. Syllogism, 286. T Tactile images, 325, 348. TALMAGE, T. DEWITT, 237. Tempo, 39−49. TENNYSON, ALFRED, 121, 141−143. THACKERAY, W.M., 343. THOREAU, H.D., 188. Thought, 184−197; 265, 347, 355−360. THURSTON, JAMES MELLEN, 50−54; 302. Titles, 215. TOOMBS, ROBERT, 410−415. TWAIN, MARK, 343, 363, 365. V VAN DYKE, HENRY, 365. Visualizing, 323, 348, 349. Vocabulary, 334−341. "1_2_4">APPENDIX D. SPEECHES FOR STUDY AND PRACTISE 296 The Art of Public Speaking Voice, 32, 124−144. VOLTAIRE, 4. W WATTERSON, HENRY, 303, 402−403. WEBSTER, DANIEL, 2, 73, 103, 109, 201, 278; Eulogy of, by Rufus Choate, 464−469. WEED, THURLOW, 349. WENDELL, PROF. BARRETT, 93. WESCOTT, JOHN W., 424−425. WHITEFIELD, GEORGE, 161. WHITTIER, J.G., 48. Will power, 356−359; 373, 375. Words, 92, 93, 336−341; 374. Y YOUNG, EDWARD, 90. "1_2_4">APPENDIX D. SPEECHES FOR STUDY AND PRACTISE 297
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