Lesson Welcome to our teacher class 4B

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a teacher In a school a farmer In a field a factory worker a nurse In a factory In a hospital Saturday, February , B. New lesson: Unit 13:Would you like some milk? Lesson 1: Part 1, 2, 3 I. Look, listen and repeat: 2. Point and say: a. New words Food: thức ăn - fish: cá - beef: thịt bò - pork: thịt lợn -bread: Bánh mì -rice: cơm chicken: Thịt gà - orange juice : Nước cam - lemonade : Nước chanh - milk : Sữa - water : Nước lọc B: Pattern sentences: What’s your favourite a ?It’s b food/pork food/beef d c drink/lemonade drink/water 2. Sentence Parttern: It's = It is What's = What is What’s your favourite food? chicken. chicken What’s your favourite food? beef. beef What’s your favourite food? pork. pork What’s your favourite drink? apple juice. apple juice What’s your favourite drink? milk. milk What’s your favourite drink? mineral water . mineral water 3 Listen and tick 4. Look and write Cá 1.fish Sữa 5.Pork Thịt heo 4.beef Thịt bò 2.Orange juice Nước cam 3.milk *Homelink: -Learn by heart the vocabulary and model sentence. -Write 2 lines/ word and 3 lines/ sentence.
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