Impact of RAWE programme on awareness and adoption level of rural homemakers about selected managerial practices

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Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2021) 10(02): 352-357 International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 10 Number 02 (2021) Journal homepage: Original Research Article Impact of RAWE Programme on Awareness and Adoption Level of Rural Homemakers about Selected Managerial Practices Madhuri Kulkarni* and Jayashree Zend Dept. of Resource Management and Consumer Science, College of Community Science, VNMKV, Parbhani, (M.S.), India *Corresponding author ABSTRACT Keywords Managerial Skill, Participatory Training, Adoption, Awareness Article Info Accepted: 12 January 2021 Available Online: 10 February 2021 One hundred homemakers from Sayala village were selected randomly for the study entitled “Impact of RAWE Programme on awareness and Adoption level of Rural Homemakers about selected Managerial practices” The validated inventories consisting right managerial practices related to time, money and energy were administered on selected sample before and after training to assess the awareness and adoption of managerial practices related to time, money and energy. The results of pre and post informal training were compared. ‘Z’ test was carried out to assess the impact of training on awareness and adoption of managerial skills among rural homemakers. Findings indicated that the awareness and adoption level of managerial skills regarding, time, money and energy of rural homemakers was increased significantly after participatory training conducted under RHWE programme. RAWE programme was introduced with the objective to develop and understand rural life and the different situations of villages with special reference to household activities (Mann and Sachan, 2017). Introduction Rural awareness work experience programme (RAWE) is a comprehensive integrated component of B.Sc (Hons) Community Science curriculum. It is an important proficiency and confidence building programme. It’s aim is to improve the quality of life of rural families and provide them knowledge regarding various fields of Home Science through extension methodologies. Thus RAWE is a timely intervention for the all round development of rural families and a new experience for rural families for a close knit interaction (Kaur and Mann, 2020). Home management is the major means of achieving personal and family goals. The use of family resources human as well as material has to be planned and controlled. In doing all this the homemaker plays an important role to solve numerous problems and make decisions all the lifetime. Thus the management is one of the major responsibility of today’s homemaker. The common family oriented 352 Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2021) 10(02): 352-357 responsibilities of any homemaker is planning the use of family income, time and energy. Time management is very important and it may actually affect individual’s overall performance and achievements. However all these are related by how individuals manage their time to suit their daily living (Garad et al., 2018). Human energy, is another important resource as it deals with the person’s ability to do work. Unlike time, the amount of energy available to different people varies widely. In order to manage this resource well, careful planning and thoughts are required. selected managerial practices related to time, money and energy before and after implementing the RAWE programme. Materials and Methods Sampling procedure and locale of the study One hundred homemakers were selected randomly for the study entitled “Impact of RAWE programme on awareness and adoption level of rural homemakers about selected managerial practices” The study was conducted among rural homemakers residing in village Sayala. The participatory observation and interview method was used to collect the information. Some amount of saving can no doubt, be effected by the use of mechanical and electrical appliances in the home. Money plays a very important role in society. The money management habits will directly effect on their future life and life attitude. So, it is imperative to perfect money management education. (Garad & Kulkarni,2018) Customized inventory Customized teacher made inventories consisting 25 statement each on managerial practices related to time, money and energy were developed and validated through experts for its content. Two point and three point continuum scale was used to collect the responses for knowledge as knowing completely (1) and not knowing (0) and for adoption as completely adopting (2); partially adopting (1) and not adopting (0).The inventories were administered on selected sample before starting the training to assess the existing level of awareness and adoption of managerial practices related to time, money and energy. Managerial skills are the capabilities that are important to perform any task effectively. Effectiveness of the performance can be measured in terms of difficulty level, energy input and overall satisfaction of worker. If one can perform the task with low level of difficulty, less energy input and gets highest satisfaction with quality output he or she can be rated to have good managerial skills. Some homemakers are born with good managerial skills. But it is true that the people who does not possess the in born managerial skill can learn through observation and training. Knowledge will assist the homemaker in recognizing the difference between good and bad or correct and wrong practices. Informal Training programme through RAWE The tips on managerial aspects of time, money and energy were disseminated through booklets, lectures and on spot demonstrations by RHWE students. The customized inventories had been administered on the same group of homemakers after conducting the informal training. The dearth of information is available on managerial skills of homemakers hence the present study was conducted with specific objectives of studying the level of awareness and adoption of rural homemakers regarding 353 Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2021) 10(02): 352-357 were belonging to joint families (68%) and having 5 to 8 members in family (58%). Occupation of majority of the heads of family was farming (64%). Service and business were the occupation among 18 percent of families. Ninety per cent of the homemakers reported monthly income between Rs. 5,000 and Rs 10,000. Very few homemakers (10%) have reported the monthly family income between Rs. 10,000 and Rs. 15, 000. Knowledge score regarding managerial practices The level of knowledge of homemakers was measured through responses on customized teacher made inventory. Responses noted down on two point scale. Score 1 was assigned for knowing the practices completely and score zero was assigned for total lack of knowledge about the managerial practices. Accordingly total score of each homemaker was worked out. Information about awareness level of homemakers regarding managerial practices related to time, money and energy before and after training is presented in table 2. It is clear from the table that the higher percentage of the homemakers were aware about only 1-8 practices related to time (72%), money (80%) and energy (88%) before getting the training. The percentage of homemakers who were aware regarding 9-16 practices before getting the training related to managerial practices of time, money and energy were 20, 14 & 12 respectively. The training programme on managerial practices related to time, money and energy increased the awareness level of more than 90 per cent of homemakers to 1725 practices related to time (92%), money (96%) and energy (96%). Statistical analysis with Z test indicated that percentage of homemakers significantly increased the awareness regarding more managerial practices related to time, money and energy. Information on adoption level of homemakers regarding managerial practices related to time, money and energy before and after training is presented in table 3. It is understood from the table that the equal percentage of homemakers (40%) were adopting 1-8 & 9-16 managerial practices related to time before training. The corresponding percentage of homemakers adopting money managerial practices was 32 & 48 respectively. In case of energy management practices 68 percent homemakers were adopting 1-8 practices Adoption scores regarding managerial practices The level of adoption of selected homemakers regarding managerial practices related to time, money and energy was measured through the responses of homemakers to administered inventory. Responses on three point continuum scale were rated as no adoption with 0 score, partial adoption with 1 score and complete adoption with 2 score. Statistical analysis After collection of data the collected information was carefully tabulated and processed. The results of pre and post informal training were compared. ‘Z’ test (Sharma 2005) was carried out to assess the impact of training on awareness and adoption level of rural homemakers about selected managerial skills. Results and Discussion General information of selected homemakers is presented in table 1. It is clear from the table that equal per cent of the homemakers (50%) were between 25 and 35 years and 35 to 45 years of age. Majority of the homemakers were educated up to primary school (52%) followed by matriculation (48%). Majority of the homemakers from 354 Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2021) 10(02): 352-357 followed by 9-16 practices related to energy (20%) before training. After the managerial skill training the percentage of homemakers who were adopting 17 to 25 practices increased in case time (80%), money (68%) and energy (84%). Statistical analysis indicated significantly more adoption among more number of rural women after receiving the training. Table.1 General information of selected rural homemakers Attributes Frequency and percentage of homemakers Age (years) 25- 35 35-45 Education Primary Matriculates Type of family Nuclear Joint Size of family Small (1-4) Large (5-8) Occupation of head Farming Service Business Monthly income (Rs) 5,000-10,000 10,000- 15000 50 50 52 48 32 68 42 58 64 18 18 90 10 Table.2 Impact of training on awareness level of rural homemakers regarding managerial practices related to time, money and energy No. of Practices and level of awareness 1-8 (Low) 9-16 (Medium) 17-25 (High) Pre Time Post Z value Money Pre Post Z value Pre Energy Post Z Value 72 - 16.03** 80 - 20** 88 - 27.08** 20 08 2.48* 14 04 2.51* 12 04 2.11* 08 92 21.89** 06 96 29.23** - 96 49.27** Significant at 5 % level ** Significant at 1 % level 355 Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2021) 10(02): 352-357 Table.3 Impact of training on adoption level of rural homemakers regarding managerial practices related to time, money and energy No. of Practices & level of adoption 1-8 (Low) 9-16 (Medium) 17-25 (High) Time Pre Post Percentage & frequency of rural homemakers Z value Money Z value Energy Pre Post Pre Post Z value 40 12 14.36** 32 16 8.21** 68 08 30.77** 40 20 08 80 16.41** 30.77** 48 20 16 68 16.41** 24.62** 20 12 08 84 6.15** 36.93** ** Significant at 1 % level Table.4 Mean awareness and adoption score of rural homemakers regarding managerial practices related to time, money and energy No. of Practices and level of awareness Time Money Energy Awareness score Pre Post 35.00±8.00 28.00±8.00 22.00±9.00 65.00±10.00 68.00±11.00 72.00±11.00 Mean ± SD Z value Adoption score Pre Post Z value 23.42** 29.41** 35.18** 26.55** 18.38** 30.96** 28.00±8.00 25.00±8.00 22.00±9.00 62.00±10.00 50.00±11.00 66.00±11.00 ** Significant at 1 % level Table.5 Constraints expressed by rural women in adoption of Managerial Practices Constraints in adoption of managerial practices Scarcity of resources Inability to maintain written records Inability to tackle emergency situations Inability to tackle Stressful conditions Lack of convincing power Self-rigidity Inability to evaluate Lack in leadership qualities Too much workload Joint family structure Rigidity of family members Mean awareness and adoption score of homemakers regarding managerial practices related to time, money and energy before and Frequency and Percentage of homemakers 65 95 58 62 45 48 56 54 35 58 72 after training is presented in table 4. It is obvious from table that there was drastic increase in awareness score and adoption 356 Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2021) 10(02): 352-357 score of homemakers regarding managerial practices related to time, money and energy after receiving the training. Increase in awareness regarding time related managerial practices was by 30 points, money related practices by 40 points & energy related practices by 50 points. Adoption level of homemakers regarding managerial practices related to time, money & energy was increased by 34, 25 & 44 points respectively after receiving the informal training on managerial skills. and adoption level of managerial skills regarding, time, money and energy of rural homemakers was low before attending the training programme under RAWE programme. Participatory training conducted under RAWE programme improved the awareness and adoption level of managerial skills of rural homemakers related to time, money and energy. References Garad, J. and Kulkarni, M.2018. knowledge and adoption level regarding selected managerial aspects of full time homemakers in different stages of family life cycle. Unpublished M.Sc.Thesis. VNMKV, Parbhani Garad, J. and Kulkarni, M.2018. Time spending pattern of homemakers in different stages of family life cycle. Multilogic in Science. VIII(XXVII): 116-119 Kaur, S. and Mann S.K. 2020. Extent of adoption of homescience practices dessiminated under RAWE. Asian Journal of Home Science 15(1):21-26 Mann S.K. and Sachan, D. 2017. Perception of home science students towards RAWE and inplant training programme. J. Home Sci. Extn.Comm.Mgt., 4(2):7781 Sharma H.L. 2005 Basic Statistical Methods with Applications.Agrotech. Publishing Academy, Udaipur. Pp 143 Constraints expressed by selected homemakers in adoption of managerial practices are presented in table 5. It is clear from the table that majority of the homemakers (95%), expressed inability of maintaining written records as a major constraint in management of time and money. More than 60 per cent of homemakers expressed rigidity of family members (72%), scarcity of resources (65%), and inability to tackle stressful conditions (62%) were the major constraints in household management. Inability to tackle emergency situations (58%), inability to evaluate (56%), lack in leadership qualities(54%) and joint family structure (58%) were the other constraints experienced by higher percentage of homemakers. Self-rigidity (48%), lack of convincing power and too much workload (35%) were the constraints expressed by comparatively lower percentage of homemakers. In conclusion it can be said that the awareness How to cite this article: Madhuri Kulkarni and Jayashree Zend. 2021. Impact of RAWE Programme on Awareness and Adoption Level of Rural Homemakers about Selected Managerial Practices. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 10(02): 352-357. doi: 357
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