ICT 5 Web Development - Chapter 10: Web Techniques and Security

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Vietnam and Japan Joint ICT HRD Program Content 1. Environment variables 2. Setting Response Header 3. Encoding and escaping 4. Cross site scripting ICT 5 Web Development Chapter 10. Web Techniques and Security Nguyen Thi Thu Trang trangntt@soict.hut.edu.vn 2 1. Environment variables 1.1. Global arrays If the register_globals option in php.ini is enabled (it is disabled by default), default) PHP creates a separate global variable for every form parameter, every piece of request information, and every server configuration value. ‹ This functionality is convenient but dangerous, as it lets the browser provide initial values for any of the variables in your program ‹ Server configuration and request i f information ti ‹ – form parameters – Cookies can be accessible in three different ways from your PHP scripts. scripts ‹ Æ Referred to as EGPCS (Environment, GET, POST, Cookies, and Server). 3 4 1 1.1. Global arrays (2) ‹ 1.1. Global arrays (2) $_COOKIE ‹ – Contains any cookie values passed as part of the request, where the keys of the array are the names of the cookies ‹ – Contains information about any uploaded files ‹ $_GET – Contains any parameters that are part of a GET request, where the keys of the array are the names of the form parameters ‹ $_FILES $_SERVER – Contains useful information about the web server, as described in the next section ‹ $_ENV – Contains the values of any environment variables, where the keys of the array are the $ POST $_POST – Contains any parameters that are part of a POST request, where the keys of the array are the names of the form parameters names of the environment variables. 5 6 1.1. Global arrays (2) ‹ 1.2. Server Information PHP also creates automatically ‹ – $_REQUEST $ REQUEST The $_SERVER array contains a lot of useful information from the web server – SERVER_SOFTWARE ‹ contains the elements of the $_GET, $_POST, and $_COOKIE arrays all in one array variable. ‹A string that identifies the server (e.g., "Apache/1.3.33 (Unix) mod_perl/1.26 PHP/5.0.4"). – $PHP_SELF – SERVER_NAME ‹ holds the name of the current script, relative to the document root ‹ can be also accessible as $ $_SERVER[ SERVER['PHP PHP_SELF SELF']] ‹ The hostname, DNS alias, or IP address for selfselfreferencing URLs (e.g., (e g "www "www.example.com www example com") com")). – HTTP_USER_AGENT ‹ The string the browser used to identify itself (e.g., "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows 2000; U) Opera 6.0 [en]“) 7 8 2 1.2. Server Information (2) ‹ 1.2. Server Information (3) SERVER_PROTOCOL ‹ – The name and revision of the request protocol (e.g., (e g "HTTP/1.1"). ‹ – Everything after the ? in the URL (e.g., (e g "name=Fred&age=35"). SERVER_PORT ‹ – The server port number to which the request was sent (e.g., "80"). ‹ REMOTE_HOST – The hostname of the machine that requested this page (e.g., ""dialup dialup--192192-168168-0-1.example.com 1.example.com"). "). If there's no DNS for the machine, this is blank and REMOTE_ADDR is the only information given. REQUEST_METHOD – The method the client used to fetch the document ((e.g., g, "GET"). ‹ QUERY_STRING ‹ REMOTE ADDR REMOTE_ADDR – A string containing the IP address of the machine that requested this page (e.g., ""). PHP_SELF – holds the name of the current script, relative to the document root. 9 Temperature Conversion
Fahrenheit temperature:
11 12 3 Sticky form - Example Temperature Conversion Content
Fahrenheit temperature:
1. Environment variables 2. Setting Response Header 3. Encoding and escaping 4. Cross site scripting 13 2. Setting Response Header 14 2. Setting Response Header (2) HTTP Request ‹ User Agent Web Server HTTP Response ‹ All calls to header( ) (or setcookie( ), if you're setting cookies) must happen before any of the body is generated Æ at the very top of your file, even before the tag. Date: today From: fred To: barney Subject: hands off! My lunchbox is mine and mine alone. Get your own, you filthy scrounger! Send back something that's that s not HTML – Set the expiration time for a page – Redirect the client's browser – Generate a specific HTTP error Æ Using header() function 15 16 4 2.1. Different Content Types ‹ 2.2. Redirections The Content Content--Type header identifies the type of document being returned. returned ‹ – "text/html " indicating an HTML document – "text/plain" forces the browser to treat the page as plain text. This type is like an automatic "view source," and it is useful when debugging. – "image/jpeg", "image/png": Image content –… Send the browser to a new URL, known as a redirection Æ set the Location header 17 18 2.3. Expiration 2.3. Expiration (2) Proxy and browser caches can hold the document until a specific date and time (expire time/date) ‹ Repeated reloads of a cached document do not contact the server ‹ To set the expiration time of a document ‹ ‹ To expire a document three hours from the time the page was generated $now = time( ); $then = gmstrftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", $now + 60*60*3); header("Expires: $then"); ‹ – header('Expires: h d ('E i F Fri, i 18 J Jan 2006 05:30:00 GMT'); To indicate that a document "never" expires, use the time a y year from now $now = time( ); $then = gmstrftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", $now + 365*86440); header("Expires: $then"); 19 20 5 2.3. Expiration (3) ‹ Content To mark a document as already expired, use the current time or a time in the past: $then = gmstrftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT"); header("Expires: $then"); ‹ Prevent a browser or proxy cache from storing your document: 1. Environment variables 2. Setting Response Header 3. Encoding and escaping 4. Cross site scripting header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); header("Lastheader("Last -Modified: ".gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s")." GMT"); header("Cacheheader("Cache -Control: no no-store, no no-cache, must must-revalidate"); header("Cacheheader("Cache -Control: post post-check=0, pre pre-check=0", false); header("Pragma: nono-cache"); 21 22 3. Encoding and escaping ‹ 3.1. HTML Encoding HTML, web page addresses, and database commands are all strings, but they each require different characters to be escaped in different ways. – a space in a web address must be written as %20, – a literal less less--than sign (<) in an HTML document must be written as < ‹ Special characters in HTML are represented by entities such as & and <. ‹ There are two PHP functions that turn special characters in a string into their entities ‹ PHP has a number of builtbuilt-in functions to convert to and from these encodings 23 – htmlentities( ) – htmlspecialchars() 24 6 3.1.1. Entity Entity--quoting all special characters ‹ 3.1.1. Entity Entity--quoting all special characters (2) htmlentities( ): ‹ – Changes all characters with HTML entity equivalents into those equivalents (with the exception of the space character). – < (<), > (>), & (&), and accented characters. – E.g. ‹ htmlentities( ) function actually takes up to three arguments: $output = htmlentities(input htmlentities(input, , quote_style quote_style, , charset); charset ); – charset: if given, identifies the character set (default is "ISO--8859"ISO 8859-1") – quote_style: controls whether single and double quotes are turned into their entity forms. $string = htmlentities("Einstürzende Neubauten"); echo $string; Æ The entityentity-escaped version (ü seen by viewing the source) correctly displays as ü in the rendered web page ‹ ‹ ‹ ENT_COMPAT (the default) converts only double quotes, ENT_QUOTES converts both types of quotes, ENT_NOQUOTES converts neither 25 26 E.g. Cleaning a string function Example $input = <<< End "Stop pulling my hair!" Jane's eyes flashed.

End; $double = htmlentities($input); //"Stop pulling my hair!" Jane's eyes flashed.<p> $both = htmlentities($input, ENT_QUOTES); //"Stop pulling my hair!" Jane's eyes flashed.<p> $neither = htmlentities($input, ENT_NOQUOTES); // "Stop pulling my hair!" Jane's eyes flashed.<p> 27 function clean_for_mysql($string,$max_length) { $in_string g = ltrim($string); g $in_string = rtrim($in_string); if (round($max_length) < 1) { $max_length = 131072; // 128K } if (strlen($in_string) > $max_length) { $new_string = substr($in_string,0,$max_length); } $new_string = mysql_real_escape_string($new_string); return $new_string; } 28 7 3.1.3. Removing HTML tags 3.1.2. EntityEntity-quoting only HTML syntax characters ‹ htmlspecialchars( ) function ‹ – converts the smallest set of entities possible to generate valid HTML. – htmlspecialchars(input htmlspecialchars(input,, [quote_style [quote_style,, [charset]] [charset]]); ); – The following entities are converted: ‹ ‹ ‹ ‹ ‹ ‹ Ampersands (&) are converted to &. Double quotes (") are converted to ". Single quotes (') are converted to ' (if ENT_QUOTES is on, as described for htmlentities( )). Less--than signs (<) are converted to <. Less Greater--than signs (>) are converted to >. Greater The strip_tags( ) function removes HTML tags from a string: – $input = '

Howdy, "Cowboy"

'; – $output = strip_tags($input); – // $output is 'Howdy, "Cowboy"' ‹ The function may take a second argument that specifies a string of tags to leave in the string $input = 'The bold tags will stay

'; $output = strip_tags($input, ''); // $output is 'The bold tags will stay' E.g. – "angle < 30" or "sturm & drang" 29 30 3.2. URL encoding 3.2.1. RFC 1738 encoding and decoding Convert to and from URL encoding, which allows you to build and decode URLs. URLs ‹ Two types of URL encoding ‹ ‹ – Specified by RFC 1738: treats a space as just another illegal character in a URL and encodes it as %20. – Implementing p g the application/xapplication/x pp / -wwwwww-formformurlencoded system: encodes a space as a + and is used in building query strings. rawurlencode( ): encode a string according to the URL conventions $name = "Programming PHP"; $output = rawurlencode($name); echo "http://localhost/$output"; Æ Result: http://localhost/Programming%20PHP ‹ rawurldecode(): decodes URL URL--encoded strings $encoded = 'Programming%20PHP'; echo rawurldecode($encoded); Æ Result: Programming PHP 31 32 8 Content 3.2.2. QueryQuery-string encoding and decoding urlencode( ) and urldecode( ): ): encode and decode spaces as plus signs (+) instead of as the sequence %20. Æ useful for generating query strings: ‹ E.g. ‹ $base_url = 'http://www.google.com/q='; $query = 'PHP sessions -cookies'; $url = $base $base_url url . urlencode($query); echo $url; 1. Environment variables 2. Setting Response Header 3. Encoding and escaping 4. Cross site scripting ÆResult: http://www.google.com/q=PHP+sessions+--cookies http://www.google.com/q=PHP+sessions+ 33 34 Three top web site vulnerabilites Three top web site vulnerabilites ‹ XSS – CrossCross-site scripting ‹ – Bad web site sends innocent victim a script that steals information from an honest web site ‹ CSRF – CrossCross-site request forgery – Bad web site sends innocent contextvictim a script that steals information from an honest web site ‹ SQL Injection – Browser sends malicious input p to server – Bad input checking leads to malicious SQL query CSRF – CrossCross-site request forgery Leverages user’s session at sever – Bad web site sends request to good web site, using credentials of an innocent victim who “visits” site – Bad web site sends browser request to good web site, using credentials of an innocent victim ‹ XSS – CrossCross-site Injectsscripting malicious script into trusted ‹ SQL Injection – Browser sends malicious input p to server U SQL Uses – Bad input checking leads to malicious SQL query 9 4. Cross site scripting ‹ 4. Cross site scripting (2) Cross--site scripting (XSS) Cross ‹ – most common web application security vulnerability – with the rising popularity of Ajax technologies, XSS attacks are likely to become more advanced and to occur more frequently – malicious user embeds HTML or other clientclient-side script into your Web site Example – – If value of username parameter is: What will happen? ‹2 types – Reflected XSS – Stored XSS 37 38 4.1. Reflected XSS Javascript URL jjavascript: p alert(document.cookie) ( ) ‹ ‹ ‹ ‹ ‹ Most common type of XSS and the easiest The attacker uses social engineering techniques to get a user to click on a link to your site. The link has malicious code embedded in it. Can be used to deliver a virus or malformed cookie or grab data from the user’s system E.g. The malicious code would be tacked onto the end of a search link of Google’s search. search Solution: Validate the input before displaying any user--generated data user Displays all cookies for current document 40 10

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