Handbook of Econometrics Vols1-5 _ Chapter 33

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Chapter 33 EVALUATING THE PREDICTIVE ACCURACY OF MODELS RAY C. FAIR Contents 1. Introduction 2. Numerical solution of nonlinear models 3. Evaluation of ex ante forecasts 4. Evaluation of ex post forecasts 5. An alternative method for evaluating predictive accuracy 6. Conclusion References Handbook of Econometrics, Volume III, Edited by Z. Griliches and h4. D. Intriligator Q Elsevier Science Publishers B V, 1986 1980 1981 1984 1986 1988 1993 1994 1980 1. R. C. Fair Introduction Methods for evaluating the predictive accuracy of econometric models are discussed in this chapter. Since most models used in practice are nonlinear, the nonlinear case will be considered from the beginning. The model is written as: .fi(YtY xt2 ai> = uil, (i=l ,..., n), (t =l,...,T), where y, is an n-dimensional vector of endogenous variables, x, is a vector of predetermined variables (including lagged endogenous variables), CX,is a vector of unknown coefficients, and uir is the error term for equation i for period t. The first m equations are assumed to be stochastic, with the remaining u,,(i = m + 1 >**., n) identically zero for all t. The emphasis in this chapter is on methods rather than results. No attempt is made to review the results of comparing alternative models. This review would be an enormous undertaking and is beyond the scope of this Handbook. Also, as will be argued, most of the methods that have been used in the past to compare models are flawed, and so it is not clear that an extensive review of results based on these methods is worth anyone’s effort. The numerical solution of nonlinear models is reviewed in Section 2, including stochastic simulation procedures. This is background material for the rest of the chapter. The standard methods that have been used to evaluate ex ante and ex post predictive accuracy are discussed in Sections 3 and 4, respectively. The main problems with these methods, as will be discussed, are that they (1) do not account for exogenous variable uncertainty, (2) do not account for the fact that forecast-error variances vary across time, and (3) do not treat the possible existence of misspecification in a systematic way. Section 5 discusses a method that I have recently developed that attempts to handle these problems, a method based on successive reestimation and stochastic simulation of the model. Section 6 contains a brief conclusion. It is important to note that this chapter is not a chapter on forecasting techniques. It is concerned only with methods for evaluating and comparing econometric models with respect to their predictive accuracy. The use of these methods should allow one (in the long run) to decide which model best approximates the true structure of the economy and how much confidence to place on the predictions from a given model. The hope is that one will end up with a model that for a wide range of loss functions produces better forecasts than do other techniques. At some point along the way one will have to evaluate and compare other methods of forecasting, but it is probably too early to do this. At any rate, this issue is beyond the scope of this chapter.’ ‘For a good recent text on forecasting techniques for time series, see Granger and Newbold (1977). Ch. 33: Evaluatingthe PredictiveAccuracyof Models 2. 1981 Numerical solution of nonlinear models The Gauss-Seidel technique is generally used to solve nonlinear models. [See Chapter 14 (Quandt) for a discussion of this technique.] Given a set of estimates of the coefficients, given values for the predetermined variables, and given values for the error terms, the technique can be used to solve for the endogenous variables. Although in general there is no guarantee that the technique will converge, in practice it has worked quite well. A “static” simulation is one in which the actual values of the predetermined variables are used for the solution each period. A “dynamic” simulation is one in which the predicted values of the endogenous variables from the solutions for previous periods are used for the values of the lagged endogenous variables for the solution for the current period. An “ex post” simulation or forecast is one in which the actual values of the exogenous variables are used. An “ex ante” simulation or forecast is one in which guessed values of the exogenous variables are used. A simulation is “outside-sample” if the simulation period is not included within the estimation period; otherwise the simulation is “within-sample.” In forecasting situations in which the future is truly unknown, the simulations must be ex ante, outside-sample, and (if the simulation is for more than one period) dynamic. If one set of values of the error terms is used, the simulation is said to be “deterministic.” The expected values of most error terms in most models are zero, and so in most cases the errors terms are set to zero for the solution. Although it is well known [see Howrey and Kelejian (1971)] that for nonlinear models the solution values of the endogenous variables from deterministic simulations are not equal to the expected values of the variables, in practice most simulations are deterministic. It is possible, however, to solve for the expected values of the endogenous variables by means of “stochastic” simulation, and this procedure will now be described. As will be seen later in this chapter, stochastic simulation is useful for purposes other than merely solving for the expected values. Stochastic simulation requires that an assumption be made about the distributions of the error terms and the coefficient estimates. In practice these distributions are almost always assumed to be normal, although in principle other assumptions can be made. For purposes of the present discussion the normality assumption will be made. In particular, it is assumed that U, = ( uit,. . . , u,,)’ is independently and identically distributed as multivariate N(0, E). Given the estimation technique, the coefficient estimates, and the data, one can estimate the covariance matrix of the error terms and the covariance matrix of the coefficient estimates. Denote these two matrices as ?? and p, respectively. The dimension of 2 is m x m, and the dimension of P is K x K, where K is the total number of coefficients in the model: _%can be computed as (l/T@‘, where fi is the m X T matrix of values of the estimated error terms. The computation of 9 depends on 1982 R. C. Fair the estimation technique used. Given P and given the normality assumption, an estimate of the distribution of the coefficient estimates is N(&, P), where & is the K x 1 vector of the coefficient estimates. Let u: denote a particular draw of the m error terms for period t from the N(O,e) distribution, and let 1y* denote a particular draw of the K coefficients from the N(& P) distribution. Given u : for each period t of the simulation and given (Y*, one can solve the model. This is merely a deterministic simulation for the given values of the error terms and coefficients. Call this simulation a “trial”. Another trial can be made by drawing a new set of values of U: for each period t and a new set of values of (Y*.This can be done as many times as desired. From each trial one obtains a prediction of each endogenous variable for each period. Let ji;?,kdenote the value on the jth trial of the k-period-ahead prediction of variable i from a simulation beginning in period t.2 For J trials, the estimate of the expected value of the variable, denoted Tirk, is: In a number of studies stochastic simulation with respect to the error terms only has been performed, which means drawing only from the distribution of the error terms for a given trial. These studies include Nagar (1969); Evans, Klein, and Saito (1972); Fromm, Klein, and S&ink (1972); Green, Liebenberg, and Hirsch (1972); Sowey (1973); Cooper and Fischer (1972); Cooper (1974); Garbade (1975); Bianchi, Calzolari, and Corsi (1976); and Calzolari and Corsi (1977). Studies in which stochastic simulation with respect to both the error terms and coefficient estimates has been performed include Cooper and Fischer (1974); Schink (1971), (1974); Haitovsky and Wallace (1972); Muench, Rolnick, Wallace, and Weiler (1974); and Fair (1980). One important empirical conclusion that can be drawn from stochastic simulation studies to date is that the values computed from deterministic simulations are quite close to the mean predicted values computed from stochastic simulations. In other words, the bias that results from using deterministic simulation to solve nonlinear models appears to be small. This conclusion has been reached by Nagar (1969), Sowey (1973), Cooper (1974), Bianchi, Calzolani, and Corsi (1976), and Calzolani and Corsi (1977) for stochastic simulation with respect to the error terms only and by Fair (1980) for stochastic simulation with respect to both error terms and coefficients. A standard way of drawing values of (Y*from the N( &, P) distribution is to (1) factor numerically (using a subroutine package) P into PP',(2)draw (again using ti ‘Note k-l. that f denotes the first period of the simulation, so that ji, is the prediction for period Ch. 33: Evaluating 1983 the Predictive Accuracy of Models a subroutine package) K values of a standard normal random variable with mean 0 and variance 1, and (3) compute (Y* as & + Pe, where e is the K X 1 vector of the standard normal draws. Since Eee’ = I, then E(LY* - ;)(a* - c?)‘= EPee’P’ = v, which is as desired for the distribution of LX*.A similar procedure can be used to draw values of UT from the N(0, 2) distribution: 2 is factored into PP’, and UT is computed as Pe, where e is a m x 1 vector of standard normal draws. An alternative procedure for drawing values of the error terms, due to McCarthy (1972), has also been used in practice. For this procedure one begins with the m X T matrix of estimated error terms, U. T standard normal random variables are then drawn, and u: is computed as Tp112fiee, where e is a T x 1 vector of the standard normal draws. It is easy to show that the covariance matrix of UT is 2, where, as above, 2 is (l/T)oc’. An alternative procedure is also available for drawing values of the coefficients. Given the estimation period (say, 1 through T) and given 2, one can draw T values of u:(t =l,..., T). One can then add these errors to the model and solve the model over the estimation period (static simulation, using the original values of the coefficient estimates). The predicted values of the endogenous variables from this solution can be taken to be a new data base, from which a new set of coefficients can be estimated. This set can then be taken to be one draw of the coefficients. This procedure is more expensive than drawing from the N(&, P) distribution, since reestimation is required for each draw, but it has the advantage of not being based on a fixed estimate of the distribution of the coefficient estimates. It is, of course, based on a fixed value of 2 and a fixed set of original coefficient estimates. It should finally be noted with respect to the solution of models that in actual forecasting situations most models are subjectively adjusted before the forecasts are computed. The adjustments take the form of either using values other than zero for the future error terms or using values other than the estimated values for the coefficients. Different values of the same coefficient are sometimes used for different periods. Adjusting the values of constant terms is equivalent to adjusting values of the error terms, given that a different value of the constant term can be used each period.3 Adjustments of this type are sometimes called “add factors”. With enough add factors it is possible, of course, to have the forecasts from a model be whatever the user wants, subject to the restriction that the identities must be satisfied. Most add factors are subjective in that the procedure by which they were chosen cannot be replicated by others. A few add factors are objective. For example, the procedure of setting the future values of the error terms equal to the average of the past two estimated values is an objective one. This procedure, 3Although much of the discussion in the literature is couched Intriligator (1978, p. 516) prefers to interpret the adjustments values of the error terms. in terms of constant-term as the user’s estimates adjustments, of the future 1984 R. C. Fair along with another type of mechanical adjustment procedure, is used for some of the results in Haitovsky, Treyz, and Su (1974). See also Green, Liebenberg, and Hirsch (1972) for other examples. 3. Evaluation of ex ante forecasts The three most common measures of predictive accuracy are root mean squared error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE), and Theil’s inequality coefficient4 (U). Let yii, be the forecast of variable i for period t, and let y,, be the actual value. Assume that observations on jjii, and y,, are available for t = 1,. . . , T. Then the measures for this variable are: MAE u (4 (5) where A in (5) denotes either absolute or percentage change. All three measures are zero if the forecasts are perfect. The MAE measure penalizes large errors less than does the RMSE measure. The value of U is one for a no-change forecast (A ji, = 0). A value of U greater than one means that the forecast is less accurate than the simple forecast of no change. An important practical problem that arises in evaluating ex ante forecasting accuracy is the problem of data revisions. Given that the data for many variables are revised a number of times before becoming “final”, it is not clear whether the forecast values should be compared to the first-released values, to the final values, or to some set in between. There is no obvious answer to this problem. If the revision for a particular variable is a benchmark revision, where the level of the variable is revised beginning at least a few periods before the start of the prediction period, then a common procedure is to adjust the forecast value by 4See Theil (1966, p, 28). Ch. 33: Evaluating the Predictive Accuracy of Models 1985 adding the forecasted change (AJii,), which is based on the old data, to the new lagged value (ri,_J and then comparing the adjusted forecast value to the new data. If, say, the revision took the form of adding a constant amount ji to each of the old values of yit, then this procedure merely adds the same Ji to each of the forecasted values of yit. This procedure is often followed even if the revisions are not all benchmark revisions, on the implicit assumption that they are more like benchmark revisions than other kinds. Following this procedure also means that if forecast changes are being evaluated, as in the U measure, then no adjustments are needed. There are a number of studies that have examined ex ante forecasting accuracy using one or more of the above measures. Some of the more recent studies are McNees (1973, 1974, 1975, 1976) and Zarnowitz (1979). It is usually the case that forecasts from both model builders and nonmodel builders are examined and compared. A common “base” set of forecasts to use for comparison purposes is the set from the ASA/NBER Business Outlook Survey. A general conclusion from these studies is that there is no obvious “winner” among the various forecasters [see, for example, Zarnowitz (1979, pp. 23, 30)]. The relative performance of the forecasters varies considerably across variables and length ahead of the forecast, and the differences among the forecasters for a given variable and length ahead are generally small. This means that there is yet little evidence that the forecasts from model builders are more accurate than, say, the forecasts from the ASA/NBER Survey. Ex ante forecasting comparisons are unfortunately of little interest from the point of view of examining the predictive accuracy of models. There are two reasons for this. The first is that the ex ante forecasts are based on guessed rather than actual values of the exogenous variables. Given only the actual and forecast values of the endogenous variables, there is no way of separating a given error into that part due to bad guesses and that part due to other factors. A model should not necessarily be penalized for bad exogenous-variable guesses from its users. More will be said about this in Section 5. The second, and more important, reason is that almost all the forecasts examined in these studies are generated from subjectively adjusted models, (i.e. subjective add factors are used). It is thus the accuracy of the forecasting performance of the model builders rather than of the models that is being examined. Before concluding this section it is of interest to consider two further points regarding the subjective adjustment of models. First, there is some indirect evidence that the use of add factors is quite important in practice. The studies of Evans, Haitovsky, and Treyz (1972) and Haitovsky and Treyz (1972) analyzing the Wharton and OBE models found that the ex ante forecasts from the model builders were more accurate than the ex post forecasts from the models, even when the same add factors that were used for the ex ante forecasts were used for the ex post forecasts. In other words, the use of actual rather than guessed values 1986 R. C. Fair of the exogenous variables decreased the accuracy of the forecasts. This general conclusion can also be drawn from the results for the BEA model in Table 3 in Hirsch, Grimm, and Narasimham (1974). This conclusion is consistent with the view that the add factors are (in a loose sense) more important than the model in determining the ex ante forecasts: what one would otherwise consider to be an improvement for the model, namely the use of more accurate exogenous-variable values, worsens the forecasting accuracy. Second, there is some evidence that the accuracy of non-subjectively adjusted ex ante forecasts is improved by the use of actual rather than guessed values of the exogenous variables. During the period 1970111-197311, I made ex ante forecasts using a short-run forecasting model [Fair (1971)]. No add factors were used for these forecasts. The accuracy of these forecasts is examined in Fair (1974) and the results indicate that the accuracy of the forecasts is generally improved when actual rather than guessed values of the exogenous variables are ’ used. It is finally of interest to note, although nothing really follows from this, that the (non-subjectively adjusted) ex ante forecasts from my forecasting model were on average less accurate than the subjectively adjusted forecasts [McNees (1973)], whereas the ex post forecasts, (i.e. the forecasts based on the actual values of the exogenous variables) were on average about the same degree of accuracy as the subjectively adjusted forecasts [Fair (1974)]. 4. Evaluation of ex post forecasts The measures in (3)-(5) have also been widely used to evaluate the accuracy of ex post forecasts. One of the more well known comparisons of ex post forecasting accuracy is described in Fromm and Klein (1976) where eleven models are analyzed. The standard procedure for ex post comparisons is to compute ex post forecasts over a common simulation period, calculate for each model and variable an error measure, and compare the values of the error measure across models. If the forecasts are outside-sample, there is usually some attempt to have the ends of the estimation periods for the models be approximately the same. It is generally the case that forecasting accuracy deteriorates the further away the forecast period is from the estimation period, and this is the reason for wanting to make the estimation periods as similar as possible for different models. The use of the RMSE measure, or one of the other measures, to evaluate ex post forecasts is straightforward, and there is little more to be said about this. Sometimes the accuracy of a given model is compared to the accuracy of a “naive” model, where the naive model can range from the simple assumption of no change in each variable to an autoregressive moving average (ARIMA) process for each variable. (The comparison with the no-change model is, of course, Ch. 33: Evaluating the Predictive Accuracy of Models 1987 already implicit in the U measure.) It is sometimes the case that turning-point observations are examined separately, where by “ turning point” is meant a point at which the change in a variable switches sign. There is nothing inherent in the statistical specification of models that would lead one to examine turning points separately, but there is a strand of the literature in which turning-point accuracy has been emphasized. Although the use of the RMSE or similar measure is widespread, there are two serious problems associated with the general procedure. The first concerns the exogenous variables. Models differ both in the number and types of variables that are taken to be exogenous and in the sensitivity of the predicted values of the endogenous variables to the exogenous-variable values. The procedure does not take these differences into account. If one model is less “endogenous” than another (say that prices are taken to be exogenous in one model but not in another), then it has an unfair advantage in the calculation of the error measures. The other problem concerns the fact that forecast error variances vary across time. Forecast error variances vary across time both because of nonlinearities in the model and because of variation in the exogenous variables. Although RMSEs are in some loose sense estimates of the averages of the variances across time, no rigorous statistical interpretation can be placed on them: they are not estimates of any parameters of the model. There is another problem associated with within-sample calculations of the error measures, which is the possible existence of data mining. If in the process of constructing a model one has, by running many regressions, searched diligently for the best fitting equation for each variable, there is a danger that the equations chosen, while providing good fits within the estimation period, are poor approximations to the true structure. Within-sample error calculations are not likely to discover this, and so they may give a very misleading impression of the true accuracy of the model. Outside-sample error calculations should, of course, pick this up, and this is the reason that more weight is generally placed on outsidesample results. Nelson (1972) used an alternative procedure in addition to the RMSE procedure in his ex post evaluation of the FRB-MIT-PENN (FMP) model. For each of a number of endogenous variables he obtained a series of static predictions using both the FMP model and an ARIMA model. He then regressed the actual value of each variable on the two predicted values over the period for which the predictions were made. Ignoring the fact that the FMP model is nonlinear, the predictions from the model are conditional expectations based on a given information set. If the FMP model makes efficient use of this information, then no further information should be contained in the ARIMA predictions. The ARIMA model for each variable uses only a subset of the information, namely, that contained in the past history of the variable. Therefore, if the FMP model has made efficient use of the information, the coefficient for the ARIMA 1988 R. C. Fair predicted values should be zero. Nelson found that in general the estimates of this coefficient were significantly different from zero. This test, while interesting, cannot be used to compare models that differ in the number and types of variables that are taken to be exogenous. In order to test the hypothesis of efficient information use, the information set used by one model must be contained in the set used by the other model, and this is in general not true for models that differ in their exogenous variables. 5. An alternative method for evaluating predictive accuracy The method discussed in this section takes account of exogenous-variable uncertainty and of the fact that forecast error variances vary across time. It also deals in a systematic way with the question of the possible misspecification of the model. It accounts for the four main sources of uncertainty of a forecast: uncertainty due to (1) the error terms, (2) the coefficient estimates, (3) the exogenous-variable forecasts, and (4) the possible misspecification of the model. The method is discussed in detail in Fair (1980). The following is an outline of its main features. Estimating the uncertainty from the error terms and coefficients can be done by means of stochastic simulation. Let u~$ denote the variance of the forecast error for a k-period-ahead forecast of variable i from a simulation beginning in period t. Given the J trials discussed in Section 2, a stochastic-simulation estimate of (I,:~ (denoted 6&) is: where Jitk is determined by (2). If an estimate of the uncertainty from the error terms only is desired, then the trials consist only of draws from the distribution of the error terms.5 There are two polar assumptions that can be made about the uncertainty of the exogenous variables. One is, of course, that there is no exogenous-variable uncertainty. The other is that the exogenous-variable forecasts are in some way as uncertain as the endogenous-variable forecasts. Under this second assumption one could, for example, estimate an autoregressive equation for each exogenous variable and add these equations to the model. This expanded model, which would have no exogenous variables, could then be used for the stochastic-simula‘Note that it is implicitly assumed here that the variances of the forecast errors exist. For some estimation techniques this is not always the case. If in a given application the variances do not exist, then one should estimate other measures of dispersion of the distribution, such as the interquartile range or mean absolute deviation.
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