Hack Attacks Revealed A Complete Reference with Custom Security Hacking Toolkit phần 5

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char char char char char town[31]; county[31]; post[13]; telephone[16]; fax[16]; } data; extern char fpath[]; static char scr[4000]; static char sbuff[2000]; char stext[30]; data rec; int handle; int recsize; union REGS inreg,outreg; /* Function prototypes */ void FATAL(char *); void OPENDATA(void); void CONTINUE(void); void EXPORT_MULTI(void); void GETDATA(int); int GETOPT(void); void DISPDATA(void); void ADD_REC(void); void PRINT_MULTI(void); void SEARCH(void); void MENU(void); int GET_MOUSE(int *buttons) { inreg.x.ax = 0; int86(0x33,&inreg,&outreg); *buttons = outreg.x.bx; return outreg.x.ax; } void MOUSE_CURSOR(int status) { /* Status = 0 cursor off */ /* 1 cursor on */ inreg.x.ax = 2 - status; int86(0x33,&inreg,&outreg); } int MOUSE_LOCATION(int *x, int *y) { 319 inreg.x.ax = 3; int86(0x33,&inreg,&outreg); *x = outreg.x.cx / 8; *y = outreg.x.dx / 8; return outreg.x.bx; } int GETOPT() { int result; int x; int y; do { do { result = MOUSE_LOCATION(&x,&y); if (result & 1) { if (x >= 52 && x <= 53 && y >= 7 && y <= 15) return y - 7; if (x >= 4 && x <= 40 && y >= 7 && y <= 14) return y + 10; if (x >= 4 && x <= 40 && y == 15) return y + 10; } } while(!bioskey(1)); result = bioskey(0); x = result & 0xff; if (x == 0) { result = result >> 8; result -= 60; } } while(result < 0 || result > 8); return result; } void setvideo(unsigned char mode) { /* Sets the video display mode and clears the screen */ inreg.h.al = mode; inreg.h.ah = 0x00; int86(0x10, &inreg, &outreg); } 320 int activepage(void) { /* Returns the currently selected video display page */ union REGS inreg,outreg; inreg.h.ah = 0x0F; int86(0x10, &inreg, &outreg); return(outreg.h.bh); } void print(char *str) { /* Prints characters only directly to the current display page starting at the current cursor position. The cursor is not advanced. This function assumes a COLOR display card. For use with a monochrome display card change 0xB800 to read 0xB000 */ int page; int offset; unsigned row; unsigned col; char far *ptr; page = activepage(); curr_cursor(&row,&col); offset = page * 4000 + row * 160 + col * 2; ptr = MK_FP(0xB800,offset); while(*str) { *ptr++= *str++; ptr++; } } void TRUESHADE(int lef, int top, int right, int bottom) { int n; /* True Shading of a screen block */ gettext(lef,top,right,bottom,sbuff); for(n = 1; n < 2000; n+= 2) sbuff[n] = 7; puttext(lef,top,right,bottom,sbuff); } 321 void DBOX(int l, int t, int r, int b) { /* Draws a double line box around the described area */ int n; cursor(t,l); print("E"); for(n = 1; n < r - l; n++) { cursor(t,l + n); print("I"); } cursor(t,r); print("»"); for (n = t + 1; n < b; n++) { cursor(n,l); print("º"); cursor(n,r); print("º"); } cursor(b,l); print("E"); for(n = 1; n < r - l; n++) { cursor(b,l+n); print("I"); } cursor(b,r); print("1/4"); } int INPUT(char *text,unsigned length) { /* Receive a string from the operator */ unsigned key_pos; int key; unsigned start_row; unsigned start_col; unsigned end; char temp[80]; char *p; curr_cursor(&start_row,&start_col); key_pos = 0; end = strlen(text); for(;;) { key = bioskey(0); 322 if ((key & 0xFF) == 0) { key = key >> 8; if (key == 79) { while(key_pos < end) key_pos++; cursor(start_row,start_col + key_pos); } else if (key == 71) { key_pos = 0; cursor(start_row,start_col); } else if ((key == 75) && (key_pos > 0)) { key_pos--; cursor(start_row,start_col + key_pos); } else if ((key == 77) && (key_pos < end)) { key_pos++; cursor(start_row,start_col + key_pos); } else if (key == 83) { p = text + key_pos; while(*(p+1)) { *p = *(p+1); p++; } *p = 32; if (end > 0) end--; cursor(start_row,start_col); cprintf(text); cprintf(" "); if ((key_pos > 0) && (key_pos == end)) key_pos--; cursor(start_row,start_col + key_pos); } } else { key = key & 0xFF; if (key == 13 || key == 27) break; else 323 if ((key == 8) && (key_pos > 0)) { end--; key_pos--; text[key_pos--] = '\0'; strcpy(temp,text); p = text + key_pos + 2; strcat(temp,p); strcpy(text,temp); cursor(start_row,start_col); cprintf("%-*.*s",length,length,text); key_pos++; cursor(start_row,start_col + key_pos); } else if ((key > 31) && (key_pos < length) && (start_col + key_pos < 80)) { if (key_pos <= end) { p = text + key_pos; memmove(p+1,p,end - key_pos); if (end < length) end++; text[end] = '\0'; } text[key_pos++] = (char)key; if (key_pos > end) { end++; text[end] = '\0'; } cursor(start_row,start_col); cprintf("%-*.*s",length,length,text); cursor(start_row,start_col + key_pos); } } } text[end] = '\0'; return key; } void FATAL(char *error) { /* A fatal error has occured */ printf ("\nFATAL ERROR: %s",error); exit(0); } void OPENDATA() { /* Check for existence of data file and if not create it */ 324 /* otherwise open it for reading/writing at end of file */ handle = open(fpath,O_RDWR,S_IWRITE); if (handle == -1) { handle = open(fpath,O_RDWR|O_CREAT,S_IWRITE); if (handle == -1) FATAL("Unable to create data file"); } /* Read in first rec */ read(handle,&rec,recsize); } void CLOSEDATA() { close(handle); } void GETDATA(int start) { /* Get address data from operator */ textcolor(BLACK); textbackground(GREEN); gotoxy(left,8); print("Name "); gotoxy(left,9); print("Company "); gotoxy(left,10); print("Address "); gotoxy(left,11); print("Area "); gotoxy(left,12); print("Town "); gotoxy(left,13); print("County "); gotoxy(left,14); print("Post Code "); gotoxy(left,15); print("Telephone "); gotoxy(left,16); print("Fax "); switch(start) { case 0: gotoxy(left + 10,8); if(INPUT(rec.name,30) == 27) break; case 1: gotoxy(left + 10,9); if(INPUT(rec.company,30) == 27) break; case 2: gotoxy(left + 10,10); 325 if(INPUT(rec.address,30) == 27) break; case 3: gotoxy(left + 10,11); if(INPUT(rec.area,30) == 27) break; case 4: gotoxy(left + 10,12); if(INPUT(rec.town,30) == 27) break; case 5: gotoxy(left + 10,13); if(INPUT(rec.county,30) == 27) break; case 6: gotoxy(left + 10,14); if(INPUT(rec.post,12) == 27) break; case 7: gotoxy(left + 10,15); if(INPUT(rec.telephone,15) == 27) break; case 8: gotoxy(left + 10,16); INPUT(rec.fax,15); break; } textcolor(WHITE); textbackground(RED); gotoxy(left + 23,21); print(" "); } void DISPDATA() { /* Display address data */ textcolor(BLACK); textbackground(GREEN); cursor(7,3); cprintf("Name %-30.30s",rec.name); cursor(8,3); cprintf("Company %-30.30s",rec.company); cursor(9,3); cprintf("Address %-30.30s",rec.address); cursor(10,3); cprintf("Area %-30.30s",rec.area); cursor(11,3); cprintf("Town %-30.30s",rec.town); cursor(12,3); cprintf("County %-30.30s",rec.county); cursor(13,3); cprintf("Post Code %-30.30s",rec.post); cursor(14,3); cprintf("Telephone %-30.30s",rec.telephone); cursor(15,3); cprintf("Fax %-30.30s",rec.fax); } int LOCATE(char *text) 326 { int result; do { /* Read rec into memory */ result = read(handle,&rec,recsize); if (result > 0) { /* Scan rec for matching data */ if (strstr(strupr(rec.name),text) != NULL) return(1); if (strstr(strupr(rec.company),text) != NULL) return(1); if (strstr(strupr(rec.address),text) != NULL) return(1); if (strstr(strupr(rec.area),text) != NULL) return(1); if (strstr(strupr(rec.town),text) != NULL) return(1); if (strstr(strupr(rec.county),text) != NULL) return(1); if (strstr(strupr(rec.post),text) != NULL) return(1); if (strstr(strupr(rec.telephone),text) != NULL) return(1); if (strstr(strupr(rec.fax),text) != NULL) return(1); } } while(result > 0); return(0); } void SEARCH() { int result; gotoxy(left,21); textcolor(WHITE); textbackground(RED); cprintf("Enter data to search for "); strcpy(stext,""); INPUT(stext,30); if (*stext == 0) { gotoxy(left,21); cprintf("%70c",32); return; } gotoxy(left,21); textcolor(WHITE); textbackground(RED); 327 cprintf("Searching for %s Please Wait… .",stext); strupr(stext); /* Locate start of file */ lseek(handle,0,SEEK_SET); result = LOCATE(stext); if (result == 0) { gotoxy(left,21); cprintf("%70c",32); gotoxy(left + 27,21); cprintf("NO MATCHING RECORDS"); gotoxy(left + 24,22); cprintf("Press RETURN to Continue"); bioskey(0); gotoxy(left,21); cprintf("%70c",32); gotoxy(left,22); cprintf("%70c",32); } else { lseek(handle,0 - recsize,SEEK_CUR); read(handle,&rec,recsize); DISPDATA(); } textcolor(WHITE); textbackground(RED); gotoxy(left,21); cprintf("%70c",32); textcolor(BLACK); textbackground(GREEN); } void CONTINUE() { int result; long curpos; curpos = tell(handle) - recsize; result = LOCATE(stext); textcolor(WHITE); textbackground(RED); if (result == 0) { gotoxy(left + 24,21); cprintf("NO MORE MATCHING RECORDS"); gotoxy(left + 24,22); cprintf("Press RETURN to Continue"); bioskey(0); gotoxy(left,21); cprintf("%70c",32); gotoxy(left,22); 328
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