Electromagnetic Field Theory: A Problem Solving Approach Part 67

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The Rectangular Waveguide 635 Similarly, the surface currents are found by the discontinuity in the tangential components of H to be purely z directed: Kz(x,y = )=-H(x,y= K(x, y = b)= .(x, 0) kkk2Eo sin kx 2 k,0)2 k k 2Eo 2 = b)-= y k sin kxxcosn 2 ) +k joCL(kf kxk 2 Eo ,(x = , y) = jWo(k2 sin ky +k 2 ) K,(x = 0, y) = (25) kk 2 Eo cos mir sin kyy K/(x = a, y)= -H~,(x = a, y)= - 2 2)k 3owA(kx + ky) We see that if m or n are even, the surface charges and surface currents on opposite walls are of opposite sign, while if m or n are odd, they are of the same sign. This helps us in plotting the field lines for the various TM,, modes shown in Figure 8-28. The electric field is always normal and the magnetic field tangential to the waveguide walls. Where the surface charge is positive, the electric field points out of the wall, while it points in where the surface charge is negative. For higher order modes the field patterns shown in Figure 8-28 repeat within the waveguide. Slots are often cut in waveguide walls to allow the insertion of a small sliding probe that measures the electric field. These slots must be placed at positions of zero surface current so that the field distributions of a particular mode are only negligibly disturbed. If a slot is cut along the z direction on the y = b surface at x = a/2, the surface current given in (25) is zero for TM modes if sin (ka/2)=0, which is true for the m = even modes. 8-6-3 Transverse Electric (TE) Modes When the electric field lies entirely in the xy plane, it is most convenient to first solve (4) for H,. Then as for TM modes we assume a solution of the form H, = Re [I•,(x, y) ei'"'- ~ z ] which when substituted into (4) yields 2 8 /, 82•H, x2 + y2 ax Oy /, - k w2\ 2H c = 0 (26) + + + + Electric field (-) -jkk,Eo E, k, cos kx sin ky -jkykEo +k2 sin kx cos ky E,- E = Eo sin kx sin kyy -- \A.. TAp + -- ++ + x E, k,tan kx E, kx tan k,y (k¢ ) , 2 [cos k ] TM 11 + - dy dx cos k,y Magnetic field (--- + H= = const -) wk Eosink,x cosky 2 +k2 H,=-k+k Eocos kxsin ky I +tt- +IIt I~f dy dx H, H, -k,cot kx k,cot ky => sin kx sin kRy = const 5r1 kx= -, + ++ --- a a k flT b, b WL =Fw2 -k 2 TM 21 gure 8-28 The transverse electric and magnetic field lines for the TM,I and TM rely z directed where the field lines converge. 21 modes. The electric fi 637 The Rectangular Waveguide Again this equation is solved by assuming a product solution and separating to yield a solution of the same form as (11): Hz(x, y) = (A, sin k/x + A 2 cos khx)(B, sin ky + B 2 cos ky) (28) The boundary conditions of zero normal components of H at the waveguide walls require that H,(x = 0, y)= 0, ,(x = a, y)= 0 H,(x, Y= 0)= 0, H,(x, y = b)= 0 (29) Using identical operations as in (15)-(20) for the TM modes the magnetic field solutions are .= jkk-Ho - k +k, sin k kAy, kcos mrr kx -m, a cos kx sin ky =k ,1k2+=kkHoossin k, nir b (30) kx + ky H. = Ho cos k,, cos k,y The electric field is then most easily obtained from Ampere's law in (1), -1 E=- Vx×i ]we (31) to yield j) az (ay 2 Sk,k Ho jwe(k +k ) cos kx sin k,y , Ho cos kx sin k,y k- ,= 1-/ H (32) kk'Ho jowiik.2+ = -i-• Ho sin kxx cos ky k. +k• =0 We see in (32) that as required the tangential components of the electric field at the waveguide walls are zero. The 638 Guided Electromagnetic Waves surface charge densities on each of the walls are: -~ l(x= 0,y) = =(x (x = a, y)= -e(x =, y)= = a, y)= Ho sin ky ( kYH cos mvr sin ky iwj(k, + hk,) Ck2Hok '&(x, y = 0) = ,(x, y= 0) = 2 k k jo(k. + k,) H). sin k.k2Ho (k +) '(x,y= b)= -e4,(x, y= b)= (33) cos nr sin kAx For TE modes, the surface currents determined from the discontinuity of tangential H now flow in closed paths on the waveguide walls: K(x = 0, y) = i, x (x = 0,y) = iH,t(x = 0, y)- i,H,(x = 0, y) K(x = a,y)= -i,Xi(x = a,y) = -iH,(x = a,y)+i,H,(x = a,y) iK(x, y = 0) i,x I~(x,y = 0) (34) = -i'/.(x, y = 0) + i/,(x, y = 0) K(x, y = b) = -i,x l(x, y = b) = it/,(x, y = b) - i•.,(x,y = b) Note that for TE modes either n or m (but not both) can be zero and still yield a nontrivial set of solutions. As shown in Figure 8-29, when n is zero there is no variation in the fields in the y direction and the electric field is purely y directed while the magnetic field has no y component. The TE1l and TE2 1 field patterns are representative of the higher order modes. 8-6-4 Cut-Off The transverse wavenumbers are k, m•" k,= nlr (35) so that the axial variation of the fields is obtained from (10) as k,,= [!- - oe,_) 22 (36)k2 Y Electric field (-) E,= - ____ ___ 4 - k• +k k2 Ho cos kx Ho sin kx E2, -= kA +k, -E + + k =- ++ + dy dx a TE,, ~ , b a E, E, -ktan kA k, tan k,y =>cos k,x cos k,y = c Magnetic field ( - - -) jkkHo -= sin kx cos / H, ~ 2 k2 + ky cos kx sin 4, = Ho cos k,,x cos k,y dy H, k, cot kx dx H, k, cot k,y 'h ' [sin kxx]( ,I I e1 I E21 ) _ c sin k,y a) The transverse electric and magnetic field lines for various TE modes. The magnetic field is purely z direc The TE 0o mode is called the dominant mode since it has the lowest cut-off frequency. (b) Surface current lines 640 Guided Electromagnetic Waves x a- I I - IX_ 3- -- - . W X 3_• UX 4 2 4 (b) Figure 8-29 Thus, although Akand k, are real, k can be either pure real or pure imaginary. A real value of k. represents power flow down the waveguide in the z direction. An imaginary value of k, means exponential decay with no time-average power flow. The transition from propagating waves (kh real) to evanescence (k, imaginary) occurs for k,= 0. The frequency when k, is zero is called the cut-off frequency w,: &= [(=C ) 2 + (nI)2]1/2 (37) This frequency varies for each mode with the mode parameters m and n. If we assume that a is greater than b, the lowest cut-off frequency occurs for the TE 1 0 mode, which is called the dominant or fundamental mode. No modes can propagate below this lowest critical frequency woo: TC o= - a ~f = c0 21r 2a Hz (38) If an air-filled waveguide has a = 1cm, then fro= 1.5xl0' 0 Hz, while if a=10m, then f~o=15MHz. This explains why we usually cannot hear the radio when driving through a tunnel. As the frequency is raised above oco, further modes can propagate. 641 The Rectangular Waveguide The phase and group velocity of the waves are VP k do Vg dk, k'c = - 2 w At cut-off, v,=0 and vp = o constant. 8-6-5 (n 2 (2MW .)2] 1/2 C22 vp (39) v=gy 2 = C with their product always a Waveguide Power Flow The time-averaged power flow per unit area through the waveguide is found from the Poynting vector: = 2 Re (E xHI*) (40) (a) Power Flow for the TM Modes Substituting the field solutions found in Section 8-6-2 into (40) yields i))e + i e-ik x (/-*iý+* = Re [(xi + i,+ !i) = I Re [(EI,,/ - E4Hi' )i. + E( i -/4 i,)] ei ' kk " ] (41) where we remember that k. may be imaginary for a particular mode if the frequency is below cut-off. For propagating modes where k, is real so that k, = k*, there is no z dependence in (41). For evanescent modes where k, is pure imaginary, the z dependence of the Poynting vector is a real decaying exponential of the form e -21' k". For either case we see from (13) and (22) that the product of E, with fHxand H, is pure imaginary so that the real parts of the x- and y-directed time average power flow are zero in (41). Only the z-directed power flow can have a time average: =Eo, 2 = |2 2) Re [k, e-itk -k*)(k 2(kx +k, ) +kY sin 2 kx cos 2 kyy)]i. kýX COS2 2 2 k'Y 2 cos kX sin k,y (42) If k, is imaginary, we have that = 0 while a real k, results in a nonzero time-average power flow. The total z-directed 642 Guided Electromagnetic Waves power flow is found by integrating (42) over the crosssectional area of the waveguide:

= dxdy oekoabE( 8(k+k) (43) where it is assumed that k, is real, and we used the following identities: a i 2 mrx a 1Imrx 1 . 2mrx~ I m \2 a 4 n a l 0 a = a/2, a m#O =(44) 0 Cos a [- +- sin ---- dx = -( mor 2 a 4 a o a/2, m#O a, m=0 For the TM modes, both m and n must be nonzero. (b) Power Flow for the TE Modes The same reasoning is used for the electromagnetic fields found in Section 8-6-3 substituted into (40): - 2 Re [(•/- i,+ fli.) e+ikz yi,) eik x (• ix + Re [(ix + = - E,/-H^*)i• -Hz/ (Ei - - Eyi)] e(k )z (45) Similarly, again we have that the product of H* with E,and E, is pure imaginary so that there are no x- and y-directed time average power flows. The z-directed power flow reduces to = (•' ,(k cos2 kx sin' k,y +k' sin 2 k, cos 2 ky) Re (k, e-i (' - k* •) (46) Again we have nonzero z-directed time average power flow only if kRis real. Then the total z-directed power is sk abH(2 + k2, m, n 0 xabHE , morn=0 (hk+ k ) (47) The Rectangular Waveguide 643 where we again used the identities of (44). Note the factor of 2 differences in (47) for either the TE1 oor TEo, modes. Both m and n cannot be zero as the TE0o mode reduces to the trivial spatially constant uncoupled z-directed magnetic field. 8-6-6 Wall Losses If the waveguide walls have a high but noninfinite Ohmic conductivity a-,, we can calculate the spatial attenuation rate using the approximate perturbation approach described in Section 8-3-4b. The fields decay as e - ' , where a= 1I


(48) where is the time-average dissipated power per unit length and

is the electromagnetic power flow in the lossless waveguide derived in Section 8-6-5 for each of the modes. In particular, we calculate a for the TE 0o mode (k. = ir/a, ky = 0). The waveguide fields are then (jka Hao E=-- s= --a +cos a-ai i sin a Ho sin -- i (49) Ta The surface current on each wall is found from (34) as il(x = 0, y)= kl(x = a, y)= -Hoi, (50) &TjkIa i(x, y=0)=-K(x,y= b)= Ho -iL-sin-+i.cos1)With lossy walls the electric field component E, within the walls is in the same direction as the surface current proportional by a surface conductivity o•8, where 8 is the skin depth as found in Section 8-3-4b. The time-average dissipated power density per unit area in the walls is then: = -12 Re(Ew.*)I Ho 2 oa8 (51) = 1 _=- H• 2 o,,,8 k• ) ,ir 2 smin. 2 a 21rX ] 2 +cos21 a The total time average dissipated power per unit length required in (48) is obtained by integrating each of the 644 Guided Electromagnetic Waves terms in (51) along the waveguide walls: = [+] dy + [+] dx Hob ,8s Ho k_ 2[ir) sin2. = + 2x ,8 j 2 2 2 C while the electromagnetic power above cut-off for the TElo mode is given by (47), Iphk,abHo

= 4(r/a) 4(7r/a)2 (53) so that S a 2

2 2C2 - (54) wjoabk,So8 where k= - 8-7 /; ->- a (55) DIELECTRIC WAVEGUIDE We found in Section 7-10-6 for fiber optics that electromagnetic waves can also be guided by dielectric structures if the wave travels from the dielectric to free space at an angle of incidence greater than the critical angle. Waves propagating along the dielectric of thickness 2d in Figure 8-30 are still described by the vector wave equations derived in Section 8-6-1. 8-7-1 TM Solutions We wish to find solutions where the fields are essentially confined within the dielectric. We neglect variations with y so that for TM waves propagating in the z direction the z component of electric field is given in Section 8-6-2 as Re [A 2 e- a( x - d) e j(It-kz)], x-d E,(x,t)= Re [(Al sin k~+B cos k,x) eijt-k-], IxI ld [Re [As e~(x+d) ej(Wt-kz)], 1 x5 -d (1)

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