Effect of nutrient combinations on plant pigments and yield of Bt cotton under rainfed condition

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Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(11): 500-505 International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 6 Number 11 (2017) pp. 500-505 Journal homepage: http://www.ijcmas.com Original Research Article https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2017.611.060 Effect of Nutrient Combinations on Plant Pigments and Yield of Bt Cotton Under Rainfed Condition N.A. Byale1*, V.D. Patil1 and B.M. Nandede2 1 College of Agriculture, Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani, India 2 ICAR-Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal, India *Corresponding author ABSTRACT Keywords Cotton, nutrient combinations, soil application, total chlorophyll, anthocyanin Article Info Accepted: 07 September 2017 Available Online: 10 November 2017 An experiment was conducted to reveal the effect of nutrients combinations on plant pigments and yield in Bt cotton under rainfed condition in kharif season of 2011-2012. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with ten treatments (T 1 to T10) replicated thrice. Data on total chlorophyll, anthocyanin and dry matter yield at square formation, boll development, boll bursting and harvest stage whereas the seed cotton yield at harvest stage was collected and analysed. It was found that the chlorophyll and anthocyanin content, dry matter yield and seed cotton yield were influenced by nutrient combinations. Total chlorophyll content in leaves was highest with nutrient combination of T9 (Recommended dose of nitrogen + phosphorus + potassium + sulphur + magnesium + zinc +boron spray). Among all the nutrient combinations the highest anthocyanin content was found in T1 (control) and lowest anthocyanin content was observed in T 8 (Recommended dose of nitrogen + phosphorus + potassium +sulphur + magnesium + zinc) followed by T9. Therefore, T8 and T9 was found to be preventive for cotton reddening than T10 [Recommended dose for Bt cotton (125:62.5:62.5)+S] and T1. Highest dry matter yield 179.2 plant-1 followed by 177.3 g plant-1 was recorded with T10 and T9, respectively. T10 produced highest 19.22 q ha-1 followed by T9 with 19.04 q ha-1 seed cotton yield. Therefore, considering plant pigments yield, T 9 can be recommended for growing of Bt cotton under rainfed condition. Introduction Cotton is the most important commercial crop of India and popularly known as “White Gold” (Bharambe, 2010). It is has a national significance as its immense influence on Indian economy. It is grown as a source of food, fiber and fuel. India occupies top most position among the cotton growing countries of the world. However, India ranks third in terms of production and productivity (CCI, 2011). To raise the level of income, high yielding varieties like Bt cotton are being mostly cultivated by Indian farmers. Reduction in yield of cotton is due to several factors, leaf reddening by abiotic stress related to disturbed soil ion equilibrium leading to potassium shortage and accumulation of sodium ions in cotton leaves (Koleva et al., 2005). Being an important crop, cotton is largely studied in respect to abiotic stress constraint such as nutrient deficiency, salinity and high temperature etc. However very little information is available 500 Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(11): 500-505 on leaf reddening in cotton. It certainly affects the dry matter yield and seed cotton yield. Therefore, this study was aimed to reveal the effect of different nutrients combinations on total chlorophyll, anthocyanin contents, dry matter yield and seed cotton yield in Bt cotton under rainfed condition spectrophotometrically following Thimmaiah (2004). Dry matter yield was recorded at square formation, boll development, boll bursting and harvest stages of the crop. The weight of dry matter accumulated in plant is an index of plant growth. For dry matter determination the plants were air dried under sun for eight days and subsequently dried in oven at the temperature 800c for 12 hours. The final constant dry weight was recorded as total dry matter accumulation per plant. Three pickings of cotton were done after 160 and 178 days of sowing. The yield seed cotton yield per hectare was calculated by weighing cotton picked per plot in kg divided by its area in hectare. The total chlorophyll content, anthocyanin, dry matter yield and seed cotton yield was statistically analyzed for Mean, standard error (SE) and critical differences (CD) at 5% level as described by Panse and Sukhatme (1967). Materials and Methods A field experiment was conducted on experimental farm of Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, VNMKV, Parbhani, during kharif 2011-2012. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design (RBD) with ten treatments and three replications. The Bt cotton variety Rasi 2 was sown 30 plots of size 4.8 m x 4.2 m each. The seeds were dibbled at the spacing of 60 x 60 cm check row planting. The experimental site was slightly alkaline, medium in organic carbon, non-calcareous in nature, low in available N (136 Kg ha-1) and P (7.8 Kg ha-1), high in available K (629 Kg ha1 ), low in available Sulphur with sufficient available micronutrients. The dose of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur and zinc, were applied in soil at the time of sowing. Results and Discussion Effect of nutrient application on total chlorophyll content Effect of nutrient application on total chlorophyll content is shown in Figure 1. The treatment T9 showed highest chlorophyll content 3.25, 3.53 and 3.42 mg g-1 at square formation, boll development and boll bursting stages, respectively. The total chlorophyll content significantly decreased in all other treatments. This may be due to the supply of nitrogen, boron, Mn and Zn. The treatment T2 showed drastic reduction in chlorophyll content 1.75 mg g-1 and it was at par with control. Mean, SE and CD at 5% level for total chlorophyll content at square formation, boll development and boll bursting were 2.34, 0.14, 0.43; 2.65 0.14, 0.41, and 2.22, 0.19, 0.58, respectively. Similar findings were reported by Jadhao, et al., (2004), Patil and Malewar (1994) and Jaylalitha and Narayanan (1996). The Zn and Boron were applied through ZnSO4 and borax, respectively. The quantity and source of fertilizer for each plot was calculated on the basis of recommended dose and is given in Table 1. Details of the treatments used to conduct the experiment are given in Table 2. The leaves were collected at square formation, boll development and boll bursting stages. Di-Methyle Sulphoxide (DSMO) extraction technique by Hiscox and Israelstam (1979) was used for chlorophyll extraction and total chlorophyll content was determined as described by Arnon (1975). The amount of Anthocyanin pigment was determined 501 Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(11): 500-505 Effect of nutrient Anthocyanin application T1 whereas lowest anthocyanin was recorded in T8 and at par with T9. Therefore, T8 and T9 were found to be more preventive for cotton reddening than T10 and T1. on Effect of nutrient application on anthocyanin content is shown in Figure 2. Highest anthocyanin content of 4.87 mg g-1 was observed at square formation stage in treatment T1 and significantly decreased up to 3.59 mg/g in T2. The anthocyanin content reduced in all other treatments. The finding on anthocyanin pigment at same stage was observed by Perumal and Subramanian (1979) and Chimmad et al., (1997). However, it increased at boll bursting stage in all treatments. Anthocyanin increased as crop reaches to maturity. The anthocyanin pigment significantly reduced in all other treatments and minimum anthocyanin content was recorded in plants grown in T8 and at par with T9. The high content of anthocyanin pigment at boll bursting stage was also reported by Zade and Dhopte (1987). Total chlorophyll content in leaves was highest in T9. Mean, SE and CD at 5% level for anthocyanin content at square formation, boll development and boll bursting were 2.24,0.24,0.72; 14.85,0.8,2.38 and 026.62,1.58,4.69, respectively. Among all the nutrient combinations and growth stages, highest anthocyanin content was observed in Effect of nutrient yield on dry matter yield Figure 3 shows the effect of nutrient application on dry matter yield. Dry matter yield at all treatments were varied from 21.36-27.9; 136.5-145.2; 152.2-171.7 and 161.3-179.1 g plant-1 at square formation, boll development, boll bursting and harvest stage, respectively. T10 produced highest dry matter of 179.2 g plant-1 followed by 177.3 g plant-1 with T9 at boll harvest stage. The dry matter production decreased significantly in all other treatments and stages. Mean, SE and CD at 5% level for dry matter yield at square formation, boll development, boll bursting and at harvest stage were 25.16, 0.44, 1.33; 142.01, 0.27, 0.81; 162.81, 1.01, 3.01 and 171.25, 0.57, 1.71, respectively. Dry matter production was found increased with increase in age of the plant and nutrients. Findings were supported by Ramalakhmi and Anthoni Raj (2008), Rao and Janawade, (2006) and Gurao et al., (2006). Table.1 Quantity and source of fertilizers application Treatment. No. T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 P +K N+K N+P N+P+K N+P+K+S Quantity (Kg ha-1) 40+40 80+40 80+40 80+40+40 80+40+40+30 T7 N+P+K+S+ Mg 80+40+40+30 T8 N+P+K+S+ Mg+Zn N+P+K+S+ Mg+Zn+B RDF + S 80+40+40+30 T9 T10 Nutrients applied 80+40+40+30 125:62.5:62.5+30 Source of nutrient SSP+MOP Urea +MOP Urea +SSP Urea+SSP+MOP Urea+SSP+MOP+Elemental sulphur Urea+SSP+MOP+Elemental sulphur+MgSO4 Urea+SSP+MOP+Elemental sulphur+MgSO4+ZnSO4 Urea+SSP+MOP+Elemental sulphur + MgSO4 + ZnSO4 + Borax Urea+SSP+MOP+Elemental ulphur 502 Quantity of sources (g plot-1) 503+137 345+137 345+503 282 345+503+137+50.5 345+303+137+50.5 345+303+137+50.5 345+303+137+50.5 546+787+787+50.5 Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(11): 500-505 Table.2 Details of treatment Symbol T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 Treatment Control Recommended dose of phosphorus + Potassium. Recommended dose of nitrogen + potassium Recommended dose of nitrogen +phosphorus Recommended dose of nitrogen + phosphorus + potassium Recommended dose of nitrogen + phosphorus + potassium + sulphur Recommended dose of nitrogen + phosphorus + potassium + sulphur + magnesium (1%- 2 spray) Recommended dose of nitrogen + phosphorus + potassium +sulphur + magnesium + zinc Recommended dose of nitrogen + phosphorus + potassium + sulphur + magnesium + zinc +boron (spray) Recommended dose for Bt cotton.(125:62.5:62.5)+S Fig.1 Effect of nutrient application on total chlorophyll content Fig.2 Effect of nutrient application on anthocyanin content 503 Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(11): 500-505 Fig.3 Effect of nutrient application on dry matter yield Fig.4 Effect of nutrient application on seed cotton yield Total chlorophyll content in leaves was highest with nutrient combination of T9. Among all the nutrient combinations the highest content of anthocyanin were found in T1 and lowest anthocyanin content was observed in T8 followed by T9. Effect of fertilizer application on seed cotton yield Highest seed cotton yield 19.22 q ha-1 was recorded in T10 followed by T9 with about 1% reduction in yield than T10. The seed cotton yield was further decreased significantly up to 16.65, 16.42, 15.75 and 15.18 q ha-1 in treatments T8, T7, T6 and T5, respectively. Considerable decrease in yield was observed in T4, T3 and T2 whereas; lowest yield 11.89 q ha-1 was obtained in control. Mean, SE and CD at 5% level for seed cotton yield at harvest stage were 15.65, 14.45 and 42.94 q ha-1 respectively. Effect of nutrient application on seed cotton yield is shown in Figure 4. Therefore, T8 and T9 were found to be preventive for cotton reddening than T10 and T1. Highest dry matter yield 179.2 g plant-1 followed by 177.3 g plant-1 was recorded with T10 and T9, respectively. T10 produced highest 19.22 q ha-1 followed by T9 with 19.04 q ha-1 seed cotton yield. Therefore, considering plant pigments and both yields T9 can be recommended for growing of Bt cotton under rainfed condition. 504 Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(11): 500-505 Growth and mineral composition of magnesium deficient cotton plants grown in solution culture Ann. Plant Physio. 10(1): 35-40. Koleva, S D., Edreva, A., Velikova, V. and Gural A. 2005. Effect of reddening of cotton (G. hirsutum L.) leaves on the ulterastructure of mesophyll cells. Photosynthetica, 43(2): 313-316. Panse, V.G. and Sukhatme P.V. 1967. “Statistical Method for Agricultural Workers”, ICAR Publication, New Delhi. 145-148. Patil, U.D. and Malewar, G.V., 1994. Yield and chlorophyll content of cotton as influenced by micronutrient spray. Journal of Cotton Research and Development, 8, pp.189-192. Perumal N. K. and Subramaniam, S. 1979. A note on the reddening of leaves in cotton. Science and culture, 45(2):72. 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Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 6(11): 500-505. doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2017.611.060 505
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