Effect of eco-friendly post harvest treatments on decay index of mango fruits Cv. Alphonso

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Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(5): 1-7 International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 7 Number 05 (2018) Journal homepage: http://www.ijcmas.com Original Research Article https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2018.705.001 Effect of Eco-Friendly Post Harvest Treatments on Decay Index of Mango Fruits Cv. Alphonso Netravati1*, S.L. Jagadeesh1, A. Nataraja2 and G.J. Suresha3 1 Department of Post-Harvest Technology, College of Horticulture, University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot-587 104, India 2 Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture, Hassan, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru-560 065, India 3 Department of Post-Harvest Technology, College of Horticulture, UHS Campus, GKVK Post, Bengaluru -560 065, Karnataka, India *Corresponding author ABSTRACT Keywords Mango, Decay index, Visual skin colour, Shelf life Article Info Accepted: 04 April 2018 Available Online: 10 May 2018 An investigation was carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of postharvest dip treatments on decay index of mango fruits cv. Alphonso. Freshly harvested and pre-cooled Alphonso mango fruits were treated with different post-harvest dip treatments and evaluated for the parameters like total soluble solids, decay index and visual skin colour change. Among different treatments, minimum TSS (15.60°B) was noted in hot water treated fruits, lower decay index (0.89%) and higher score for visual skin colour (8.83) throughout the storage period was observed in azoxystrobin treated fruits as compared to untreated fruits. and become over-ripe and spoiled within 15 days. This short period seriously limits the long distance commercial transport of this fruit (Gomer-Lim, 1997). Introduction Mango is an important tropical fruit crop because of its delicious taste and flavour, attractive appearance and good market value. It is a nutritive fruit, containing most of the essential substances needed by the body (Pandey and Dinesh, 2010). Alphonso is one of the important cultivar of mango and is known as king of mango fruits. The fruits are attractive with good sugar and acid blend. Mangoes are climacteric in nature which takes 6-10 days to ripe under ambient temperature Many attempts have been made to maintain the postharvest health of mango fruit which includes hot water treatment, irradiations, use of growth regulators and chemicals, storing in low temperatures, modified and controlled atmosphere storage etc. Hot water dip, a nonchemical means of improving postharvest quality in a range of horticultural products 1 Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(5): 1-7 (Lurie, 1998) applied to pre-treat the fruits is the easiest and environment friendly (Gonzales et al., 1997). It reduces the activity of cell wall degrading enzymes, effective for fungal pathogen control and most importantly has good compatibility with the storing process (Lurie, 1998). Wax treatment acts as a selective barrier to moisture loss and gas exchange which leads to reduction of general metabolic rate and results in an improvement of fruit textural quality besides improving the fruit’s appearance. of fruit (Pang et al., 2002) and to subsequently extend the shelf life. The effect of treatment with these chemicals, polymers, bioagents and botanicals to commercial perishable plant parts vary with the crop species, variety, nature of fruit, time of treatment etc. Keeping the hurdle faced by the Alphonso mango fruits in view this experiment was framed and executed to tackle the same using different eco-friendly and edible coatings, bioagents, leaf extracts, chemicals etc. Materials and Methods Azoxystrobin, a low residue yielding chemical with lesser MRL, is known to reduce postharvest diseases, ethylene production besides maintaining quality of the fruit (Diedhiou et al., 2014). While boric acid is known to inhibit ethylene production, ripening and disease incidence (Wang and Morris, 1993), salicylic acid is recognized to decrease the ethylene production and action, respiration rate, ripening and senescence rate, in addition to preventing cell wall degrading enzymes, oxidative stress, and inducing resistance to diseases (by acting as an elicitor) and tolerance to chilling injury (Mohammadreza and Morteza, 2010). The mature fruits of mango cv. Alphonso were harvested early in the morning and brought to the Department of Post-Harvest Technology, Arabhavi. The healthy fruits were pre-cooled in cold storage at 13±1ºC for twelve hours and fruits were thoroughly washed in 0.2 per cent sodium hypochlorite solution for 5 minutes to remove the surface microbial load and dirt adhered to the fruit surface and air dried to remove the surface moisture. These fruits were then subjected to the following ten postharvest treatments viz., T1: Control (untreated fruits), T2: Hot water dip (50-55°C) for 5 minutes, T3: Nipro Fresh wax (10%) for 1 minute, T4: Chitosan (1%) for 1 minute, T5: Salicylic acid (0.2%) for 10 minutes, T6: Boric acid (1%) for 5 minutes, T7: Azoxistrobin (0.1%) for 5 minutes, T8: Aloe vera gel (1:6 Gel: Distilled water) for 5 minutes, T9: Solanum nigrum leaf extract (20%) for 5 minutes and T10: Trichoderma harzianum (10g/l) for 5 minutes. After imposition of the dip treatments detailed above, the fruits were surface dried and were packed in the CFB boxes. Each treatment consisted of 24 fruits and was replicated thrice. Thus, there were 24 fruits in each box packed in 2 layers. All the boxes were then stored in cold storage maintained at 13±1°C for 28 days. At the end of 28 days of cold storage, the fruits were taken out from the cold room and held at room temperature for 7 days. Chitosan is a non-toxic and biodegradable biopolymer which controls moisture movement between the fruit and surrounding environment, thus decreasing the rate of metabolism, respiration, ripening and water loss, and extending shelf life. It also has antimicrobial properties (Wang et al., 2007). Aloe vera gel-based edible coatings prevent loss of moisture and firmness, control respiratory rate, delay oxidative browning and reduce microorganism proliferation in fruits (Castillo et al., 2010). Considerable attention has been drawn towards the potentiality of biological control agents (bioagents) and botanicals (leaf extracts) to minimize the postharvest diseases 2 Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(5): 1-7 may possibly be due to breakdown of complex organic metabolites into simple molecules or due to hydrolysis of starch into sugars. During ripening, TSS and sugar levels within the fruit tend to increase due to either sugar importation from the plant or mobilization of starch reserves within the fruit, depending on the fruit type and whether the fruit is ripened on or off the plant (Whiting, 1970). Total soluble solids The juice extracted by squeezing the homogenized fruit pulp through muslin cloth was used to measure the TSS. It was determined by using ERMA hand refractometer, replicated three times and the mean was expressed in oB. Decay index During ripening, the accumulated starch hydrolyses as a result of amylase activity leading to the formation of sugars. Surprisingly, control fruits and hot water treated fruits also recorded lower TSS. This might be probably due to ineffective conversion of starch in to sugars in these treatments. Ripening with hot water treatment could be promoted or adversely affected (Paull, 1995). Hot water treatments have been shown to delay fruit softening during storage in peaches and nectarines (Zhou et al., 2002 and Malakou and Nanos, 2005) and may not be favourable in all aspects of fruit ripening. Similar results were obtained by Molla et al., (2011), Raheel and Aman (2007), Waskar and Gaikwad (2005) and Waskar (2005) in mango; Varit and Songsin (2011) and Nurul and Mosharraf (2012) in banana. The degree of decay index in fruits was indicated based on external damage on the skin. The decay score was assessed by the percentage of total surface area affected, where 0 = no visible decay area, 1 = 1-10% decay area, 2 = 11-25% decay area, 3 = 2650% decay area, 4 = 51-75% decay area, and 5 = > 75% decay area. It was calculated by using the formula given below. Skin appearance Skin appearance was evaluated using nine point hedonic scale using the scores like poor, fair, good, very good and excellent. Comparatively, delayed increase in TSS over the storage period in the wax and chitosan treated fruits could be attributed to retarded conversion of starch to sugars which in turn is due to the effect of surface coatings. Similar results with wax application were noticed by Waskar and Gaikwad (2005) and Singh et al., (2012) in mango; Sariful et al., (2001) in banana; Mahajan and Rupinder (2014) and Mahajan et al., (2013) in kinnow mandrin; Sidhu et al., (2009) in pear fruits and Bishnoi et al., (2008) in apple fruits. The authors Kequian et al., (2012) in guava; Asgar et al., (2011) in litchi; and Kittur et al., (2001) in banana and mango observed delayed increase in TSS and sugars in chitosan treated fruits. Results and Discussion TSS In the present investigation, irrespective of the treatments, there was a general increase in the TSS of mangoes up to the end of experimental period (Table 1). At the end of 28 days of cold storage and in the subsequent 1 week ambient storage, the treatment T7 (Azoxystrobin @ 0.1% for 5 minutes) recorded the maximum TSS of 21.73°B. The minimum TSS was found in hot water treated fruits (16.33°B) at 28 days of cold storage and in the wax treated fruits (18.10°B) at the end of ambient storage. The increase in TSS and sugars during storage 3 Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(5): 1-7 Table.1 Effect of postharvest treatments on total soluble solids (oB) of mango cv. Alphonso stored under cold (13±1°C, 2 days) and ambient conditions (7 days). Similar alphabets within the column represents non-significant differences at (p<0.05) probability level according into Duncan’s multiple range test Treatments T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 Mean S.Em± C.D @ 5% 7 13.67 13.00 13.67 13.00 13.50 15.33 12.67 14.17 14.33 15.00 13.83 NS 14 14.73cd 14.67cd 13.93d 15.00cd 15.33abcd 16.50ab 15.10bcd 16.67a 15.67abc 16.00abc 15.36 0.50 1.49 TSS (oB) Storage (Days) 21 16.00bc 15.50c 15.33c 16.73abc 15.83c 18.00a 17.83a 17.33ab 16.77abc 16.67abc 16.60 0.50 1.48 Mean 28 16.83cd 16.33d 17.13cd 18.00bc 17.47bcd 19.07ab 20.07a 18.07bc 17.00cd 18.33bc 17.83 0.55 1.62 28+7 18.33cd 18.50bcd 18.10d 19.13bcd 18.40bcd 20.53abc 21.73a 20.67ab 18.73bcd 20.67ab 19.48 0.79 2.33 15.91bc 15.60c 15.63c 16.40bc 16.10bc 17.89a 17.48a 17.38a 16.50b 17.33a 16.62 0.61 1.71 Table.2 Effect of postharvest treatments on skin colour and decay index of mango cv. Alphonso stored under cold (13±1°C, 28 days) and ambient conditions (7 days). Similar alphabets within the column represents non-significant differences at (p<0.05) probability level according into Duncan’s multiple range test Treatments T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 Mean S.Em± C.D @ 5% Skin colour (Score out of 9) Storage (Days) 21 28 28+7 ab ab 6.50 7.67 7.67cd 6.80ab 7.67ab 8.75a 5.67bc 7.33ab 8.17abc bc bc 5.67 5.67 7.83bcd 4.67c 4.33c 7.17d 7.33a 7.83a 8.50ab a a 7.83 8.17 8.83a 6.75ab 7.92a 8.05abc 6.50ab 6.67ab 7.70bcd abc ab 6.25 6.83 8.41abc 6.40 7.01 8.11 0.54 0.72 0.27 1.60 2.13 0.81 Mean 27.20a 22.67bc 24.07abc 17.07d 26.87a 25.00ab 13.87d 21.20c 22.73bc 21.87bc 22.25 2.58 7.26 4 Decay index Storage (Days) 21 28 28+7 a 2.67 4.00 6.67 1.33 2abc 3.33 bc 0.67 1.33 3.33 c 0.67 0.67 1.33 2.00 3.33ab 4.67 bc 0.67 1.33 3.33 bc 0.67 1.33 2.67 1.33 3.33ab 6.00 c 0.67 0.67 3.33 bc 0.60 1.33 4.67 1.14 1.93 3.93 0.70 NS 2.07 NS Mean 4.45a 2.22bcd 1.78cd 0.89d 3.33abc 1.78cd 1.56d 3.55ab 1.56d 2.22bcd 2.33 0.89 2.49 Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(5): 1-7 Skin appearance Scale 1 3 5 7 9 Skin colour Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent Plate.1 Picture showing burning damage on the fruit caused due to higher concentration of salicylic acid salicylic acid (T5) with the overall mean score of 5.39. It may be attributed to the burning damage caused to the fruit skin at 0.2 per cent concentration thus spoiling the skin colour (Plate 1). Skin colour In this investigation, score for skin colour increased with the increase in storage time indicating attractive colour development and progress of ripening along the storage period (Table 2). Maximum score for skin colour was noted in the treatment T7 (7.83 at 21 days, 8.17 at 28 days and 8.83 at 28+7 days after storage). This may be attributed to the effectiveness of fungicide keeping the skin surface spot free and therefore attractive. Boric acid treatment (T6) also resulted in higher score for skin colour (7.33 at 21 days, 7.83 at 28 days and 8.50 at 28+7 days after storage). Boron is an essential microelement and has important physiological functions for plant growth (Xuan et al., 2001 and Simoglou and Dordas, 2006) and quality improvement in fruit (Plich and Wójcik, 2002). However, poor skin colour was associated with Decay index The decay index of mango fruits increased as the storage duration progressed in all the treatments (Table 2). However, there was no decay observed in any of the treatments until the end of 3 weeks. After 28 days of cold storage, significantly lower and similar decay rate (0.67%) was observed in the treatments T4 (Chitosan (1%) for 1 minute) and T9 (Solanum nigrum leaf extract (20%) for 5 minutes). On the other hand, significantly higher decaying observed in untreated fruits (4.00%) was nonsignificantly followed by T5 (3.33%) and T8 5 Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(5): 1-7 (Aloe vera gel 1:6 - Gel: Distilled water for 5 minutes) (3.33%). However, at the end of ambient storage (28+7 days) there were no significant differences noticed among the treatments. The effect of storage temperature on the development of fruit rot is well known. 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Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 7(05): 17. doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2018.705.001 7
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