Discovering Computers - Chapter 12: Information System Development

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Chapter 12 Information System Development Chapter 12 Objectives List the phases in the system development cycle Describe the various tools used in object modeling Identify the guidelines for system development Explain the activities performed in the design phase Discuss the importance of project management, feasibility assessment, documentation, and data and information gathering techniques Recognize the develop programs activity is part of the system development cycle Explain the activities performed in the planning phase Discuss the activities performed in the implementation phase Discuss the purpose of the activities performed in the analysis phase Understand how IT professionals support an information system Describe the various tools used in process modeling Explain how a company addresses information system security Next What is the System Development Cycle? What is an information system (IS)? Hardware, software, data, people, and procedures that work together to produce quality information System—Set of components that interact to achieve common goal Businesses use many types of systems p. 620 Next What is the System Development Cycle? What are the phases of the system development cycle? Phase 2. Analysis  Phase 1. Planning     Review project requests Prioritize project requests Allocate resources Identify project development team  Conduct preliminary investigation Perform detailed analysis activities: Study current system Determine user requirements Recommend solution Phase 5. Support    p. 620 - 621 Conduct post-implementation system review Identify errors and enhancements Monitor system performance Phase 3. Design   Acquire hardware and software, if necessary Develop details of system Phase 4. Implementation     Develop programs, if necessary Install and test new system Train users Convert to new system Next What is the System Development Cycle? What are guidelines for system development? Arrange tasks into phases of activities) Involve(groups users (anyone for whom system is being built) Develop clearly defined standards (procedures company expects employees to follow) p. 621 - 622 Next What is the System Development Cycle? Who participates in the system development life cycle? p. 622 Fig. 12-2 Next What is the System Development Cycle? What is a systems analyst? Responsible for designing and developing information system Liaison between users and IT professionals p. 622 Next What is the System Development Cycle? What is the project team? Formed to work on project from beginning to end Consists of users, systems analyst, and other IT professionals Project leader—one member of the team who manages and controls project budget and schedule p. 623 Next What is the System Development Cycle? What is project management?   Process of planning, scheduling, and controlling activities during system development cycle Project leader identifies elements for project Goal, objectives, and expectations, collectively called scope Required activities Time estimates for each activity Cost estimates for each activity Order of activities Activities that can take place at same time Click to view Web Link, click Chapter 12, Click Web Link from left navigation, then click Project Management below Chapter 12 p. 623 Next What is the System Development Cycle? What is a Gantt chart?  Popular tool used to plan and schedule time relationships among project activities p. 623 Fig. 12-3 Next
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