Curative factors of group counseling - Edward T. Lacy, MA

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CURATIVE FACTORS OF GROUP COUNSELING Edward T. Lacy, MA International Mental Health/Addictions Treatment Consultant 1 CURATIVE FACTORS Role of Curative Factors in Group Members Growth Below is a list of curative factors and examples of ways the factors contribute to a group member’s growth. 2 CURATIVE FACTORS  GETTING FEEDBACK FROM OTHERS:  A. Becoming aware of your patterns of interactional behavior.  B. Becoming aware of the effect of your behavior on others  C. Receiving information to correct inaccurate perceptions and assumptions. 3 CURATIVE FACTORS OF GROUP  HAVING PERMISSION TO EXPRESS STRONG FEELINGS:  A. Becoming aware of and expressing feelings previously denied, distorted or held in.  B. Putting expressed feelings into perspective and linking them to cognitive analysis of situations. 4 CURATIVE FACTORS OF GROUP  FEELING YOU BELONG TO THE GROUP:  A. Being in close contact with a group of people who are accepting.  B Building trust with a group of people. 5 CURATIVE FACTORS OF GROUP  GIVING FEEDBACK TO OTHERS:  A. Having an opportunity to be honest about how another’s behavior affects you.  B. Learning how to confront others competently.  C. Learning communication skills for effective interpersonal interactions. 6 CURATIVE FACTORS OF GROUP  FINDING OUT OTHERS HAVE PROBLEMS LIKE YOURS:  A. Feeling less isolated and more connected to the world.  B. Lessening of anxiety and defensiveness.  C. Feeling relief and hope. 7 CURATIVE FACTORS OF GROUP     GETTING SUPPORT FROM OTHERS: A. Being accepted by others. B. Being understood. C. Learning to trust and develop closeness. 8 CURATIVE FACTORS OF GROUP     GIVING SUPPORT TO OTHERS: A. Developing self-respect and self-esteem. B. Feeling important to someone else. C. Having a sense of being able to give. 9 CURATIVE FACTORS OF GROUP  RECEIVING ADVICE OR IDEAS FROM OTHERS:  A. Gaining new perspective on problems.  B. Finding a new ways to solve problems.  C. Feeling cared about. 10
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